Nervous tissue is composed mostly of nerve cells or neurons, which serve as the basis for an extremely rapid communication system in our body. It also provides the basis for thinking. The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord and represents the thinking and responsive portion of our nervous tissue. Links of neurons extend from the central nervous system to various organs and tissues in our body, thus allowing the central nervous system to regulate their function. In addition, links of neurons extend to our skeletal muscle thereby allowing the central nervous system to initiate and control our movement. Special neurons function as sensory receptors and are located in the skin and sensory organs (tongue, nose, ears, eyes) as well as deeper in tissue inside our body. These receptors keep the brain informed as to what is going on inside and outside our body. They register pain and sensation (sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch) and relay that information to the brain where it is interpreted.
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