Minggu, 07 September 2014

What Are Disaccharides?

Looking at Table 4.1 we see that glucose is one-half of the disaccharides lactose and sucrose and both halves of maltose. Maltose, or malt sugar,

may be part of our diet naturally in seeds or alcoholic beverages. Sucrose is derived from the sugar cane plant and the beet, and the sucrose-rich product is called “sugar.” Lactose is the primary carbohydrate found in milk and dairy products. Nutrition scientists often refer to monosaccharides and disaccharides as “simple sugars” because of their relatively small carbohydrate size and their sweet taste. Table 4.2 presents the relative s eetness of simple sugars and compares them with sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners.
Monosaccharides such as glucose and fructose are the smallest carbohydrate and are used to build more complex carbohydrates.

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