Nonprescription drugs are drugs that are designated by the FDA to be safe (if taken as directed) and obtained without a prescription. These drugs are also referred to as over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and may be purchased in a variety of settings, such as a pharmacy, drugstore, or in the local supermarket. OTC drugs include those given for symptoms of the common cold, headaches, constipation, diarrhea, and upset stomach. These drugs are not without risk and may produce adverse reactions. For example, acetylsalicylic acid, commonly known as aspirin, is potentially harmful and can cause gastrointestinal bleeding and salicylism (see Chap. 17). Labeling requirements give the consumer important information regarding the drug, dosage, contraindications, precautions, and adverse reactions. Consumers are urged to read the directions carefully before taking OTC drugs.
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